

Every person has unique gifts, and those gifts give him or her the power and the opportunity to accomplish great things.

Zig Ziglar

Δίκτυο Εξειδικευμένων Συνεργατών

Οι συνεργάτες μας αποτελούν έμπειρους επαγγελματίες που μοιράζονται το όραμά μας για την προαγωγή της ψυχικής υγείας και της προσωπικής ανάπτυξης. Μαζί, δημιουργούμε ένα δίκτυο εμπιστοσύνης και υποστήριξης, παρέχοντας ολοκληρωμένες λύσεις που ανταποκρίνονται στις ανάγκες κάθε ατόμου.

Παπανικολάου ΚατερίναΠαιδοψυχολόγος ,Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια εφήβων και ενηλίκων

Γεννήθηκε και μεγάλωσε στην Κέρκυρα. Η προσωπική της εμπειρία και ποικιλομορφία στις ακαδημαϊκές σπουδές αλλά και στις επαγγελματικές της διαδρομές της έδωσαν την ευκαιρία να εργαστεί κι να εξελιχθεί στον τομέα της ψυχολογίας ,συμβουλευτικής κι ψυχοθεραπείας μέσα στον οποίο επένδυσε τις δυνάμεις της με μεγάλη αφοσίωση για αρκετά χρόνια .

Βασιλική ΜοιρισκλαβουM.Sc. Κλινική Ψυχολόγος - Συστημική ψυχοθεραπευτρια

Γεννήθηκε στην Κέρκυρα .Ζει και Εργάζεται στην Αθήνα.Ολοκληρωσε τις βασικές σπουδές στην Ψυχολογία στο Aegean College (Bachelor of Psychology Science ).Έχει μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στην Κλινική Ψυχολογία στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Essex.Κατα την πορεία των μεταπτυχιακών σπουδών δραστηριοποιήθηκε ως Κλινική Ψυχολόγος,στα πλαίσια πρακτικής άσκησης στο Ψ.Ν.Α. Δρομοκαΐτειο.Η ψυχοθεραπευτική της κατάρτιση είναι στο συστημικό -οικογενειακό μοντέλο ψυχοθεραπείας στο Εργαστήριο Διερεύνησης Ανθρωπίνων Σχέσεων. Εργάζεται ψυχοθεραπευτικά και συμβουλευτικά με ενήλικες και εφήβους σε ατομικές συνεδρίες.

Κέιτι ΚυριακίδουMSc, PGDip ,Ψυχολόγος - Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια

H Κυριακίδου Κέιτι, MSc, PGDip είναι Ψυχολόγος - Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια. Έχει εκπαιδευθεί στη Συμβουλευτική Ψυχολογία και στην Ψυχολογία Υγείας που περιλαμβάνει τη χορήγηση ψυχολογικών θεραπειών. Παρέχει CBT και ψυχοδυναμική θεραπεία σε πελάτες στην κοινότητα, το σύστημα ποινικής δικαιοσύνης, πανεπιστήμια και επαγγελματίες του NHS, ενώ πιο πρόσφατα παρείχε CBT και ψυχοδυναμική θεραπεία σε ιδιώτες πελάτες και διδασκαλία σε κολέγια. Την χαρακτηρίζει η καινοτομία, η οργάνωση, η αποτελεσματικότητα στο χρόνο, με ικανότητες επικοινωνίας, ισχυρή θέληση και διαχείριση καταστάσεων κρίσεων και υψηλού κινδύνου.

BUSINESSAssistant ad writer quits job, starts a business

Ali Brown is currently the CEO and Founder of Ali International, but she started out as an assistant ad writer who quit her job, started working as a freelancer and is now, ten years later a multi-millionaire, who has just launched her own magazine. Her magazine is Ali Magazine, geared for female business owners and entrepreneurs.

LIFEThe book that inspired me to win the 2013 title

The three tips from your book, Coach Yourself to Success (Coach dich selbst sonst coachdich keiner) which helped me most: Tip 37. Do it now! It really helped me realize how often I kick something down the road and how much energy must have been wasted by not doing a task immediately.

LIFEThe book that inspired me to win the 2013 title

The three tips from your book, Coach Yourself to Success (Coach dich selbst sonst coachdich keiner) which helped me most: Tip 37. Do it now! It really helped me realize how often I kick something down the road and how much energy must have been wasted by not doing a task immediately.
My mission has been to make quality life coaching affordable and available to anyone who strives to live their ideal life. Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part rent-a-friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals — career, personal, or most often, both.

Online life coaching

Get the motivation, guidance, and support you need to get your life on track. If you want to attract wealth, success and happiness, then our online coaching courses are for you.

BASIC COURSEStrong start

Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...


Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

ADVANCED COURSEClean up your act

If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

BASIC COURSEStrong start

Envision your ideal life and set goals to create your best year yet! You’ll discard old goals...


Attract what ytou want in life by eliminating the energy drains and adding in new, healthy energy sources.

ADVANCED COURSEClean up your act

If you want to attract new things into your life, you need to free up space for them.

BUSINESS COURSEDo work you love

Finding work you love is satisfying; start making the necessary transitions so that you do what you love to do.

Successfull stories
and client testimonials

I had heard great things of Celeste's coaching and work

I am so glad that I did! Her books, audios and life coaching program contain some of the most practical and useful information and advice I have encountered. Her ideas are simple andeasily implemented, yet make a tremendous difference if you take the time to follow her step-by-step plan. Since reading Coach Yourself to Success, I have ordered all of her books and audio programs! If you seek to make the best of yourself and what is already inside you, you couldn’t find a better resource.


I always look forward to see what the new assignment will be.

I’ve had a lot of great life changes since I’ve started the Coach Yourself to Success Online program such as I’ve been able to get rid of alot of stuff that I don’t need …. I’ve donated a lot of things and have sold things at my local used book store as well as on Craig’s list. I’m using the money to buy an IPAD. Something I wouldn’t normally splurge on myself.

Since I’ve made more room in my life, I’m receiving an additional $500 per month that was unexpected. I’ve lost 25 lbs., and many more changes. I really enjoy the weekly call-ins Coaching Hours. I’m on week 30 now and always look forward to see what the new assignment will be.

Business Owner
Scottsdale, AZ

Creating space has improved my relationship

First, I gained some real value from the program—mostly it was in helping me become unstuck in a few key areas. Like you said, it seemed almost like magic. I didn’t push anything or struggle, rather I just eased up and changed my viewpoint and then things shifted. For example, for a long time I’ve been bothered by all the clutter my very sweet and dear husband leaves around the house. I just accepted it as my lot in life to constantly need to move this stuff around as I need an orderly environment (my #1 emotional need as it turns out) and he doesn’t. But over the past nine weeks I realized that I was being proprietary about our space. Most all the space in the house is taken up with my stuff. We had very few places where his stuff could live, and no permanent home equalled constant clutter.

This summer we eliminated a guest room and turned it into an office for my husband. He treated himself to a new computer with huge monitor and killer sound system, and even though it is not yet furnished, he is enjoying spending time there and viola, we have a place for a lot of his stuff. It wasn’t hard to do this and we are both much happier on this issue as a result. Also now in general I am more open to moving things around or even stowing my stuff in the basement if he feels he needs more space. I just don’t feel as attached to it as I always have.

There’s a saying that it is pure folly to try to change another person, the only person you can change is yourself, and I discovered through the class that as I just quietly changed myself it caused people around me to follow my example, which was really neat too. And you’re right, men respond really well to declarative sentences vs. questions. I am doing that now with great results.

Dublin, OH

Wow! Love it!

I have suggested this book to every woman I know (and some men), married or single. The style is appealing, empowering, and again, completely engaging.

Irvine, California

I realized my dream!

1.5 years after reading your book Coach Yourself To Success: and a small stint in your coaching program, I started my own conflict management business. Thanks for inspiring me.

Warm regards,

Thank you for a fabulous 9-week transformation!

The clutter is gone (home, work, mind!) and that’s made it easier to make decisions I trust — no more wasting time second-guessing. I embarked on a new professional journey I didn’t have the confidence to try until now. My communication is (becoming) precise and clear. Boundary work, needs assessment – BIG areas of change, and relatively simple. Everything — personal and professional — seems to be in flow.

Talane, thank you so much for providing this opportunity. I’ve been using your book on-off for about two years. I wasn’t prepared to invest in personal coaching yet, so this class was a great bridge/introduction. I came into this course extremely open and prepared for change and I carry that same openness to my new career and expect I will do personal coaching within the year!

Warm thanks,

Celeste working hours

Monday - Wednesday
8AM - 7PM
8AM - 5PM
8AM - 6PM
Saturday - Sunday

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